Greaves and kulen (paprika flavoured salami) instead of English beans and sausage? Švargl instead of black pudding? Poppy seed cake instead of muffins? Why not change typical English breakfast with Syrmian
Prepoznatljivo i vrlo traženo britansko jelo – English breakfast, u srijemskom doručku ima dostojnu konkurenciju, a poklonici ovog potonjeg odgovorno tvrde kako je srijemski još ukusniji, raznovrsniji i bogatiji. Rukavica je bačena, a nije lako izazvati nekoga sa statusom institucije koji korijene vuče još iz viktorijanskog doba – i uz to je vrlo je cijenjen, servira se na svakom koraku, često i kao zamjena ručku i večeri.
Recognisable and sought-after British dish – English breakfast, has a decent competition in a Syrmian breakfast, and those fond on the latter claim responsibly that Syrmian breakfast is more delicious, diverse and richer. The gauntlet has been thrown down, and it is not easy to challenge someone with a status of an institution that stems from Victorian times – besides that it is highly appreciated, served at every step, often as a substitute for lunch or dinner.
There are some strong trumps in Syrmia, so for a tasty beginning of a day you will be served with unavoidable meat delicacies, excellent chutney, various cheese types, roast sausage with pasta (flekice), roast pasta with ham and cheese, tačci (dough filled with plum jam in poppy seeds or in walnuts), savoury hot bannocks, hot homemade bread, best jams and marmalades, healthy honey, pasta with walnuts and milk, poppy seed cake, walnut cake… You don’t know where to start, what tastes more delicious…
But one thing is for sure! Even the strongest of characters kneel down before such abundance, you don’t count the calories and forget about diets…
Our mission is to make you happy with food
Fully aware of what they have, Tourist Board of Vukovar-Srijem county started a mini tour with a Syrmian breakfast last year; they visited Šibenik and Zagreb to great enthusiasm of foreign and domestic guests who would gladly see such an offer both at coast and in the continental part of Croatia. For this occasion food came from the local family-owned agricultural economies and from hotel Dunav in Ilok, which is the first in Syrmia, Slavonia and Baranya to have received a Michelin recommendation.
„Dishes speak for themselves, and our mission is to make you happy with food”, Željka Kovčalija, the owner of the hotel reveals the secret of success.

Syrmian breakfast
Our mission is to make you happy with food
Fully aware of what they have, Tourist Board of Vukovar-Srijem county started a mini tour with a Syrmian breakfast last year; they visited Šibenik and Zagreb to great enthusiasm of foreign and domestic guests who would gladly see such an offer both at coast and in the continental part of Croatia. For this occasion food came from the local family-owned agricultural economies and from hotel Dunav in Ilok, which is the first in Syrmia, Slavonia and Baranya to have received a Michelin recommendation.
„Dishes speak for themselves, and our mission is to make you happy with food”, Željka Kovčalija, the owner of the hotel reveals the secret of success.