We Reveal the Long Kept Secret of Ilok Vineries
that the Wine World is Talking about. These Wines will Thrill You

What is your first association to Ilok Traminac? No, this time we will not talk about it even though this sort in the Croatian east has won many awards. Even though it was enjoyed by the noblemen and kings since the first vines in the famous vineyard area and rural estate of Principovac were planted in 1710 by the Odescalchi family … Graševina? No, we will not talk about it either even though the Ilok vineries produce excellent Graševina and also other white sorts such as Chardonnay, Traminac, Rhine Riesling, Pinot Blanc and Gris.


Sad je prilika da posjetite Srijem i Slavoniju. Kad su slastice i blagdanski stol u pitanju nema im premca, a barokna središta Vukovara i Vinkovaca najljepša su u adventsko vrijeme.

Ovo je doba godine kad se u zraku osjeti miris pečenih kolača, kada se promrzli obrazi griju kuhanim vinom, kada se u omiljenom društvu uživa u šetnji okićenim ulicama… više


Heaven on Earth, a sandy island, peace and quiet, centuries old oaks… And birds. This could be a brief description
of the navigation on excursion boats in Srijem and Slavonia

In the picturesque Nijemci, ‘catamaran’ is used as a term of endearment. It navigates on the peaceful Bosut and Spačva rivers in Srijem. St Catherine has been the most famous boat east of Zagreb for a long time but recently it got worthy competition so that from now on you can enjoy also the mystic Virovi in the heart of the Spačva forest. You will have a completely different experience on the Danube in Vukovar.
